
Defrosting your window screen…the right way

With winter fast approaching, we are all starting to dread the cold mornings when we come out to discover the car window screen is frozen solid. Although this happens every year, still many of us leave it to the last minute to defrost the windows or risk driving the vehicle with only it partially defrosted which can be very dangerous.

Some people poor hot or boiling water over the screen and although this does defrost it very quickly and with little fuss, it can be a costly exercise as many screens will crack with the sudden temperature change, especially if there is already a chip.

De-icer is a good product to use but does still require a little bit of waiting and possibly scrapping to remove all the ice. It is good to let the car engine warm up anyway before setting off. Ideally the best way is to start the car 10 or 15 mins prior to you setting off to allow it all to warm up and defrost naturally but this isn’t always practical.